My next animated feature is almost completed! FUCK YES!
I hope people like it. I don't really care about getting it to the front page, just as long as somebody likes it.
I draw art and animate when I can.
Lolicons/shotacons will be blocked.
United States
Joined on 3/29/07
Posted by DotExecutables - February 20th, 2012
My next animated feature is almost completed! FUCK YES!
I hope people like it. I don't really care about getting it to the front page, just as long as somebody likes it.
Posted by DotExecutables - February 16th, 2012
I just abandoned Flash 8 and upgraded to Flash CS5! It's way better than 8, obviously, but I'm going to miss Flash 8 because I remember the good times with that program. That feel, bro...
Anyway. Moving on, my animations will get better! Awesome!
Posted by DotExecutables - February 12th, 2012
Friendship IS weird, isn't it?
Look for my next animation: "My Little Pony: Friendship is Weird"
Posted by DotExecutables - February 12th, 2012
I have now just developed how to make hilarious faces! FUCK YES!
Keep in touch!
Posted by DotExecutables - February 11th, 2012
No, not really. I'm just joshing you guys. It's just a new animation I'm doing.
New animation in the works. What is it?
Well, it's a parody of a lot of the stereotypical bronies.
Now, I know a lot of you guys may be offended, but hey, I'm semi-brony, too. So wait for it to come out or don't. But add a little love to the favorites button near my username to keep in touch!
See you fools later!
Posted by DotExecutables - February 11th, 2012
Help a bro out and send a message to me! I want to help any way I can.
Posted by DotExecutables - February 10th, 2012
Hey! You! I need a voice actor who can go ape-shit! Contact me if you wish to participate!
Here's what you need to qualify:
You must be a guy who can go Ape-Shit and crazy. Like hyper-active.
If you want the script, MESSAGE ME!
Thanks for reading all of that short text and being awesome for it!
Posted by DotExecutables - February 10th, 2012
Yes, you!
Do you need someone to collab with? Talk to me! I want to collab!
Posted by DotExecutables - August 18th, 2011
Aw yeah. It's coming back tomorrow. Finally I'll be able to finish my current video.